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life and architecture

since the first days we were able to piece a couple of words we heard from our parents into a sentence, we were already told of what was possible and impossible in this world. and such things destroy dreams of children, who are the most curious and imaginative people in modern society. our childhood is defined of constant and repetitive experiments on the limits of our imagination and capacity to generate thought. the existence and appearance of our imaginary friends we made are only limited to that of our imagination. in time, we are told they don’t exist. our creativity then was defined by nothing we could not imagine and a bit of our personality. 


unironically, children are the best at experiencing architecture without the knowledge of its existence. poetically, our first experiences of architecture were at a young age. since the days we opened our eyes, we came home the first time, we crawled on the floors, we teethed on the dining room chair, and dropped an egg on the floor, we perceived architecture through the senses. only as we mature, we are noticing that time is another dimension that exists among our current understanding of the architectural experience being three dimensional. so, architecture then becomes a four dimensional concept. 


since i was told that “architecture students today have seem to have lost the ability to imagine”, i wonder on the possibility that i have fallen into this frightening statement. i have attempted to approach architecture in a more traditional way. by that, i mean the design process is driven by hand drawing as opposed to digital drafting, a favoritism on physical model making than digital, and a desire for abstract photo montages than renders resembling absolute reality. our design creativity, is limited by that of what we believe we can draw. our competence in technicality is irrelevant because if a child can draw an imaginary friend from his mind, you can draw a design that contributes and responds to the community. and in a world where digital tools and new methods of technology seem to be constantly rising and swallowing the tools of the hand, the creativity of architecture design students seems to follow the trend closely. the result is an architecture focused on particular details and rejects a more complete view on the desires of humanity. 

we forget that when man first created architecture, there was the sky and the land. man saw that the mountains were the closest thing to the sky and begin to build artificial mountains to become closer to their gods. man began building up towards the sky and used the light of the sun to help guide their decisions. thus, architecture was born.  

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